Browsing by Author Le Xuan Truong

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 36  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Asymptotic behavior of solutions for a new general class of parabolic Kirchhoff type equation with variable exponent sourcesQuach Van Chuong
2018Besov-Morrey spaces associated with Hermite operators and applications to fractional Hermite equationsNguyen Anh Dao
2013Bolza, relaxation and viscosity problems governed by a second order differential equationCharles Castaing
2023Calderón-Zygmund estimates for a parabolic Schrodinger system on Reifenberg domainsNguyen Ngoc Trong
2022Existence and non-existence of global solutions of pseudo-parabolic equations involving p(x)-Laplacian and logarithmic nonlinearityQuach Van Chuong
2022Existence and nonexistence of global solutions to the Cahn-Hilliard equation with variable exponent sourcesQuach V. Chuong
2011Existence of positive solutions for a multi-point fourth-order boundary-value broblemLe Xuan Truong
2017Existence results for a class of high order differential equation associated with integral boundary conditions at resonanceLe Cong Nhan
2016Exponential growth with Lp-norm of solutions for nonlinear heat quations with viscoelastic termLe Xuan Truong
2017Global solution and blow-up for a class of pseudo -Laplacian evolution equations with logarithmic nonlinearityLe Cong Nhan
2022Global weighted regularity estimates for higher-order elliptic and parabolic systemsThe Quan Bui
2022Higher-order Parabolic Schrodinger operators on Lebesgue SpacesNguyen Ngoc Trong
2023Hölder continuity of solutions for a class of drift-diffusion equationsQuoc-Hung Nguyen
2024Interior Pointwise Gradient Estimates for Quasilinear Elliptic Equations in Heisenberg GroupNguyen Ngoc Trong
2023Kato's inequality for the strong p(·)-LaplacianTan Duc Do
2016On a class of nonlinear heat equations with viscoelastic termLe Xuan Truong
2013On a fractional differential inclusion with integral boundary conditions in Banach spacePhan Dinh Phung
2011On a system of nonlinear wave equations associated with the helical flows of maxwell fluidLe Xuan Truong
2023On a thermo-viscoelastic system with variable exponent sourcesY. Nguyen Van
2024On Global Solution for a Class of p(x)-Laplacian Equations with Logarithmic NonlinearityQuach Van Chuong