Browsing by Author Muhammad Sadiq

Showing results 1 to 15 of 15
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2020Environmental accounting perception: evidence from nigerian pharmaceutical firmsMuhammad Sadiq
Oct-2020GST fraud prevention to ensure business sustainability: A Malaysian case studyZaleha Othman
2022How green finance and financial development promote green economic growth: deployment of clean energy sources in South AsiaMuhammad Sadiq
2023The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimationMuhammad Sadiq
2024The impact of green finance, eco-innovation, renewable energy and carbon taxes on CO2 emissions in BRICS countries: Evidence from CS ARDL estimationMuhammad Sadiq
2023The influence of economic factors on the sustainable energy consumption: evidence from ChinaMuhammad Sadiq
2023Nexus of natural resources, urbanization and economic recovery in Asia: The moderating role of innovationLiu xin
2023The role of environmental social and governance in achieving sustainable development goals: evidence from ASEAN countriesMuhammad Sadiq
2023The role of green finance, eco-innovation, and creativity in the sustainable development goals of ASEAN countriesMuhammad Sadiq
2023Sharing economy benefits and sustainable development goals: Empirical evidence from the transportation industry of VietnamMuhammad Sadiq
2023A step toward sustainable development: the nexus of environmental sustainability, technological advancement and green finance: evidence from IndonesiaFengSheng Chien
2023Testing green fiscal policies for green investment, innovation and green productivity amid the COVID-19 eraLinhao Zhao
2023The impact of environmental knowledge and green supply chain practices in improving sustainable energy production: the moderating role of green behavior and green leadershipShieh-Liang Chen
2023Unveiling the relationship between environmental quality, non-renewable energy usage and natural resource rent: Fresh insights from ten asian economiesMuhammad Sadiq
2023What role renewable energy consumption, renewable electricity, energy use and import play in environmental quality?FengSheng Chien