Browsing by Author Nguyen Thanh Long

Showing results 1 to 20 of 20
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2011An asymptotic expansion of a weak solution for a nonlinear wave equationLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2015Existence of a unique solution of a nonlinear functional integral equationPham Hong Danh
2011Existence, blow-up and exponential decay estimates for a nonlinear wave equation with boundary conditions of two-point typeLe XuanTruong
2019Factors affecting brand and student decision buying fresh milk: a case study in Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamHuan Quang Ngo
2023Factors affecting brands and competitiveness of tourism destinations: an analysis of the Mekong deltaNguyen Thanh Long
2023Impacts of destination social responsibility on destination image and tourist revisit intention: An empirical study at tourism destinations in the Mekong delta, VietnamNguyen Thanh Long
2013A Integral equation related to the macroeconomic modelsTran Minh Thuyet
2014Linear approximation and asymptotic expansion associated with the system of nonlinear functional equationsLe Thi Phuong Ngoc; Huynh Thi Hoang Dung; Pham Hong Danh; Nguyen Thanh Long
2016Linear approximation and asymptotic expansion of solutions for a nonlinear carrier wave equation in an annular membrane with Robin-Dirichlet conditionsLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2017An n-order iterative scheme for a nonlinear carrier wave equation in the annular with robin-dirichlet conditionsLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2014A nonlinear volterra-hammerstein integral equation in three variablesLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2013A nonlinear wave equation associated with a nonlinear integral equationLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2016On a high order iterative scheme for a nonlinear wave equation with the source term containing a nonlinear integralNguyen Huu Nhan
2017On a nonlinear heat equation with viscoelastic term associated with Robin conditionsLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2011On a nonlinear wave equation with a nonlocal boundary conditionLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2017On nonlinear integrodifferential equations in two variablesPham Hong Danh
2016On the nonlinear pseudoparabolic equation with the mixed inhomogeneous conditionLe Thi Phuong Ngoc
2017A Robin–Dirichlet problem for a nonlinear wave equation with the source term containing a nonlinear integralNguyen Huu Nhan
2024Social Capital and Entrepreneurial Performance of SMEs: The Mediating Role of Access to Entrepreneurial ResourcesTran Nha Ghi
2014Solvability and Asymptotocally stable of a mixed functional integral equation in N variablesPham Hong Danh