Browsing by Author Nguyen Thi Mai Trang

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Showing results 1 to 20 of 49  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2014An empirical study of the intention of Vietnamese consummers to purchase luxury goodsTruong Thi Xuan Thao
2015Antecedents and consequence of consumer - brand identificationLuu Kien Quoc
2014Antecedents and consequences of status consumption: avidence from VietnamVo Thi Thu Trang
2014Antecedents and outcome of consumer attitude tow ard counterfeit productPham Thi My Hien
2014Antecedents and outcome of consumer brand identification: empirical evidence from Viet NamTruong Thi Phan Thiet
2012Antecedents and outcome of customer satissfaction: A study of Vietnamese customers in the mobile telecom industryVan Thi Yen Nhi
2011Antecedents and outcome of emotional satissfaction: A study of Ho Chi Minh City banking front-line employeesNguyen Xuan Phuong
2018Antecedents and outcomes of emotional labor: a study of front-line employees of the tourism industry in VietnamNguyen Anh Phuc
2012Antecedents of shopper loyalty in the Vietnamese supermarketsLam Hoang Vu
2016Brand personality appeal, brand relationship quality and WOM transmission: a study of consumer markets in VietnamNguyen Dinh Tho
2013Building brand commitment through brand passionNguyen Thi Mai Trang
2015Can knowledge be transferred from business schools to business organizations through in-service training students? SEM and fsQCA findingsNguyen Dinh Tho
2011Determinants of adidas's supply chain performance in Asia Pacific regionNguyen My Phuoc
2011Determinants of organizational pride of staffs in telecommunic ation companies in VietnamDang Minh Hai
2018Diffusing market orientation to drive marketing capital: evidence from VietnamNguyen Dinh Tho
2014Does psychological capital drive the effort of marketers?Nguyen Thi Mai Trang
2022A dual process on shopping well-being across shopping contexts: the role of shopping values and impulse buyingHo Trong Nghia
28-Sep-2017Effects of brand personality appeal and brand love on brand loyalty: evidence from VietnamNguyen Thi Mai Trang
2016Enhancing the efficiency of internal coordination at interlog companyTran Bao Ngoc
2012Factors affecting job performance: an investigation of employees in the Vietnamese banking industryNguyen Thi Ngoan