Browsing by Author Nguyen Truong Thinh

Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Collective Cognition on Global Density in Dynamic SwarmPhan Gia Luan
2023Computational Human Nasal Reconstruction Based on Facial LandmarksHo Nguyen Anh Tuan
2023Design and Analysis of a Cable-winding Device for Cable Suspended Parallel RobotNguyen Minh Trieu
2023Evaluating cable tension distributions of CDPR for virtual reality motion simulatorTuong Phuoc Tho
2024Kinematic Analysis of Six-Legged RobotTran Tuyet Quyen
2023Millibot-Miniature Mobile Robot Platform for Scalable Swarm Robot ResearchPhan Gia Luan
2024Modeling Positions and Orientations of Cantaloupe Flowers for Automatic PollinationNguyen Duc Tai
2023A novel method in wood identification based on anatomical image using hybrid modelNguyen Minh Trieu
2023Self-Organized Aggregation Behavior Based on Virtual Expectation of Individuals with Wave-Based CommunicationPhan Gia Luan
2023The Anthropometric Measurement of Nasal Landmark Locations by Digital 2D Photogrammetry using the Convolutional Neural NetworkNguyen Minh Trieu
2023Using a Novel CNN Model for Predicting the Induction Heating Lines to Obtain a Desired Deformed Shape of Steel PlateNguyen Truong Thinh
2023Using of Recurrent Neural Network with a Refine Model to Compose Vietnamese Luc-Bat Poems for Human-Robot Verbal InteractionsNguyen Hai Dang
2023Using Random Forest Algorithm to Grading Mango’s Quality Based on External Features Extracted from Captured ImagesNguyen Minh Trieu