INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS : [2428] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 2428
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024Unraveling role of accountants' professional identity toward sustainable development: Does inclusive leadership make a difference?Pham Quang Huy
2024University Social Responsibility and Teachers’ Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Reputation and ImageThuy Chung Phan
2024Understanding users' trust transfer mechanism in food delivery appsXuan Tai Mai
2024Unified node, edge and motif learning networks for graphsTuyen Ho Thi Thanh
2024Uniqueness of second-order elliptic operators with unbounded and degenerate coefficients in L1-spacesTan Duc Do
2024Understanding Shadow IT usage intention: a view of the dual-factor modelTrang Nguyen
2024Trust number: Trust-based modeling for handling decision-making problemsSaeid Jafarzadeh Ghoushchi
2024Understanding Gamification Advertising Effectiveness in an S-Commerce Context: A Study in an Emerging MarketBang Nguyen-Viet
2024Understanding female students' entrepreneurial intentions: gender inequality perception as a barrier and perceived family support as a moderatorTuan Duong Vu
2024Uncertainty and cash holdings: the moderating role of political connectionsLy Thi Hai Tran
2024Transformative capabilities of MedTech organizations in driving circularity in the healthcare industry: Insights from multiple casesShamaila Ishaq
2024Transitions between Localised Patterns with Different Spatial Symmetries in Non-Local Hyperbolic Models for Self-Organised Biological AggregationsThanh Trung Le
2024Transiting toward sustainable development: stochastic convergence of energy diversification using a newly constructed indexSakiru Adebola Solarin
2024Transformational leadership and public employee performance: The mediating roles of employee participation and public service motivationYen Thi Tran
2024Tourism and contribution to employment: global evidencePhuc Canh Nguyen
2024Trade, gender equality and institutional quality: Evidence from the gravitational approachDuc Nha Le
2024Time-frequency comovements between environmental cryptocurrency sentiment and faith-based sectoral stocksAhmed Bossman
2024Time Preferences and Lunar New Year: An ExperimentNguyen Tam L.
2024The T-Spherical Fuzzy Einstein Interaction Operation Matrix Energy Decision-Making Approach: The Context of Vietnam Offshore Wind Energy Storage Technologies AssessmentNhat Luong Nhieu
2024The spread of fake news: Disclosure willingness roleMinh T.H. Le
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 201 to 220 of 2428