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dc.contributor.authorJinnatul Raihan Mumuvi
dc.contributor.otherPaolo Saonavi
dc.contributor.otherHasibul Islam Russellvi
dc.contributor.otherMd. Abul Kalam Azadvi
dc.description.abstractPurpose This study aims to pinpoint gaps in the literature on corporate governance and remuneration by producing a comprehensive bibliometric review for the period 1990–2020. Design/methodology/approach Bibliometric analysis is the quantitative study of the bibliographic material in a specific research field. It allows an analyst to classify that material by paper, journal, author, indexation, institution or country, among other possibilities. This study reviews a total of 298 Web of Science–indexed journal articles on corporate governance and top-management remuneration schemes. Findings The authors find five distinct research strands: (1) firm performance and remuneration of top management, (2) the remuneration and independence of boards of directors and the efficiency of boards of directors as a governance system, (3) outside-director remuneration and the efficiency of outside directors as a monitoring system, (4) director remuneration and the corporate governance of companies and (5) the role of ownership structure and top managers' compensation schemes as corporate-governance tools. The authors identify gaps in the literature and avenues for future research for each of these strands. Practical implications The authors’ findings have implications for board diversity (e.g. gender diversity), remuneration policy for top-level managers and governance issues (independent directors, separation of ownership with control). This study is the only one to summarize the key topics on which top research has been focused and can be broadly used for corporate governance management perspective. Originality/value This paper provides an overview of how the literature on corporate governance and remuneration has developed and a synopsis of the most influential and most productive authors, countries and journal sources. It creates an opportunity for other researchers to focus on this area. This study will also serve as a foundation for future
dc.formatPortable Document Format (PDF)-
dc.publisherUniversity of Economics Ho Chi Minh Cityvi
dc.relation.ispartofJournal of Asian Business and Economic Studiesvi
dc.relation.ispartofseriesJABES, Vol.28(4)-
dc.subjectCorporate governancevi
dc.subjectBibliometric analysisvi
dc.titleCorporate governance and remuneration: a bibliometric analysisvi
dc.typeJournal Article-
item.fulltextOnly abstracts-
item.openairetypeJournal Article-
Appears in Collections:JABES in English
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