Title: | The influence of herd behavior on the youth's intention to buy green products in Ho Chi Minh City |
Author(s): | Lê Thị Thu Hoa |
Advisor(s): | Nguyễn Thảo Nguyên |
Abstract: | This research aims to investigate and analyze the impact of variables such as Source Fit, Brand Attitude, Online Word-of-Mouth, Herd Behavior, and Spokesman Credibility on customers' purchase intention in the e-commerce environment. The purpose of the study is to understand which factors influence purchase decisions the most and provide valuable insights for businesses to optimize their marketing strategies and brand management. Data was collected from a sample of 306 survey participants in Ho Chi Minh City. The research variables include Brand Attitude, Online Word-of-Mouth, Herd Behavior, Source Fit, and Spokesman Credibility, selected based on factors believed to influence customers' purchase decisions in the e-commerce setting. The research utilizes data analysis methods using SmartPLS to assess both the measurement and structural models. Statistical methods such as outer loading, composite reliability, average variance extracted, and mediating effect analysis are employed to examine the reliability and validity of the model. The study's findings reveal that Brand Attitude, Source Fit, and Herd Behavior have the greatest impact on customers' purchase intention, while Spokesman Credibility and Online Word-of-Mouth have supportive but not decisive effects. These results provide valuable insights for businesses aiming to optimize their marketing strategies and brand management in e-commerce. |
Issue Date: | 2024 |
Publisher: | University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City |
Series/Report no.: | Giải thưởng Nhà nghiên cứu trẻ UEH 2024 |
URI: | https://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/73103 |
Appears in Collections: | Nhà nghiên cứu trẻ UEH