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dc.contributor.advisorCao Quốc Việten_US
dc.contributor.authorLê Thị Thu Trangen_US
dc.contributor.otherVũ Thị Trangen_US
dc.contributor.otherLê Thanh Hiềnen_US
dc.contributor.otherNguyễn Thị Hồng Thắmen_US
dc.contributor.otherNguyễn Thị Yến Nhien_US
dc.description.abstractIt can be seen that the booming wave of e-commerce has opened up a new business and consumption trend, as well as an opportunity for those starting a business, especially young students. Up to now, e-business is no stranger to many people as well as Vietnamese startups. According to experts, starting an e-business really brings opportunities and success to passionate young people. However, e-business easily brings success to some people and many failures as well. The team carried out this study with the aim of discovering and measuring the factors affecting the intention to start an e-business as well as delving into the influence of those studies on the intention of starting an e-business of young people, especially students who are still sitting in university lecture halls are based on background theories and synthesis of domestic and international research.The official data source used in this study was collected based on survey questionnaires from 350 students at universities in Ho Chi Minh City. The research team used data analysis methods including reliability analysis - Cronbach's Alpha and Composite reliability, average extracted variance (AVE), discriminant value - Heterotrait-Monotrait (HTMT) ratio, evaluate the structural model through the coefficients VIF, R2, f2, use regression to test the model and hypotheses. Research proposes and analyzes the impact of 8 factors: (1) Digital Capability, (2) Social Support, (3) University Environment, (4) Attitude towards E-entrepreneurship, (5) Subjective Norms, (6) Perceived Behavioral Control, (7) Need for Achievement, (8) Risk Taking to student's Intention to start an E-business in Ho Chi Minh City. In addition, the research team has made recommendations for individuals, schools and social organizations supporting start-ups in order to create favorable conditions for them to start an e-business. Based on the research results, a number of implications are given to help young startups have the right business strategies in the context of a rapidly developing new technological society.en_US
dc.format.medium102 p.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Economics Ho Chi Minh Cityen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesGiải thưởng Nhà nghiên cứu trẻ UEH 2022en_US
dc.subjectInfluential factorsen_US
dc.subjectStart a businessen_US
dc.subjectStart an e-businessen_US
dc.subjectIntention to start an e-businessen_US
dc.titleFactors impacting on the intention to start an e-business: A case study of University Studentsen_US
dc.typeResearch Paperen_US
ueh.specialityKinh tếen_US
ueh.awardGiải thưởng Aen_US
item.fulltextFull texts-
item.openairetypeResearch Paper-
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