Title: | On the Nonstandard Maximum Principle and Its Application for Construction of Monotone Finite-Difference Schemes for Multidimensional Quasilinear Parabolic Equations |
Author(s): | Le Minh Hieu |
Keywords: | Difference Maximum Principle; Finite-Difference Schemes; Monotonicity and Convergence; Quasilinear Parabolic Equations; Dirichlet Problem; Uniform Grids; L2-Norm; Boundary Conditions |
Abstract: | We consider the difference maximum principle with input data of variable sign and its application to the investigation of the monotonicity and convergence of finite-difference schemes (FDSs). Namely, we consider the Dirichlet initial-boundary-value problem for multidimensional quasilinear parabolic equations with unbounded nonlinearity. Unconditionally monotone linearized finite-difference schemes of the second-order of accuracy are constructed on uniform grids. A two-sided estimate for the grid solution, which is completely consistent with similar estimates for the exact solution, is obtained. These estimates are used to prove the convergence of FDSs in the grid L2-norm. We also present a study aimed at constructing second-order monotone difference schemes for the parabolic convection-diffusion equation with boundary conditions of the third kind and unlimited nonlinearity without using the initial differential equation on the domain boundaries. The goal is a combination of the assumption of existence and uniqueness of a smooth solution and the regularization principle. In this case, the boundary conditions are directly approximated on a two-point stencil of the second order. |
Issue Date: | 2024 |
Publisher: | Springer |
Series/Report no.: | Vol. 76 |
URI: | https://digital.lib.ueh.edu.vn/handle/UEH/73987 |
DOI: | https://doi.org/10.1007/s11253-024-02313-y |
ISSN: | 1573-9376 |