INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATIONS : [2428] Collection home page

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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 2428
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Detecting Music Plagiarism Based on Melodic AnalysisNguyen Phuc
2023Non-linear impact of ict on profitability of commercial banks in VietnamLe Hoang Vinh
2023Impacts of Internet Usage on CO2 Emissions under The Moderation of Innovative Activities: The Case of Southeast Asian CountriesLe Hoang Vinh
2023The influence of information technologies and international tourism on tradeNguyen Phuc Canh
2023Involving company representatives in helping university learners to develop sociopragmatic competence in English for job interviewsVo Thi Hong Le
2023A hybrid attention network with convolutional neural network and transformer for underwater image restorationZhan Jiao
2023The Improvement Model of Navigational Safety for Inland Waterway TransportHa Tien Huy
2023The Effect of Corporate Social Responsibility on Online Purchase Intention of Sustainable Fashion Products: A Mediated and Moderated ModelTruong Thi Hoang Oanh
2023Analyzing the adoption of mobile banking service in vietnam: extending utaut2 with fear of Covid-19Nguyen Thao
2023Explaining Intention to Use Cloud Computing Service to Expecting Sustainable Development: Antecedents and the Moderating Effects of AgeChen Lien Shui
2023Spectral asymptotics for generalized Schrödinger operatorsDo Tan Duc
2023Acquiring Sustainability in The Prospect of Digital Transformation Through Global Brain-Reflective Accounting Practices ApplicationPham Quang Huy
2023What Drives Credit Spreads of Oil Companies? Evidence from the Upstream, Integrated and Downstream IndustriesYihong Ma
2023Risk assessment, implementation of occupational health, safety and hygiene in small and medium manufacturing enterprises: A case study in central VietnamVu Gia Kien
2023Growth-Led Tourism and the Role of Exchange Rate: Empirical Evidence from Sri LankaBosede Ngozi Adeleye
2023The Effect of Auditor’s Personal Characteristics on Professional Judgment and Ethics in AuditingNguyen Hoang To Loan
2023Working Performance Improvement of a Novel Independent Metering Valve System by Using a Neural Network-Fractional Order-Proportional-Integral-Derivative ControllerNguyen Thanh Ha
2023A Contextualized Meaning-Recall Vocabulary Testing PlatformTIm Stoeckel
2023Is Entrepreneurship the Key to Achieving Environmental Sustainability? A Data-Driven Analysis from the Asia-Pacific RegionLe Thai Ha
2023Impacts of destination social responsibility on destination image and tourist revisit intention: An empirical study at tourism destinations in the Mekong delta, VietnamNguyen Thanh Long
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 321 to 340 of 2428