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dc.contributor.authorDuc Nha Le-
dc.contributor.otherNam Khanh Pham-
dc.description.abstractPurpose: The contributions of gender equality to trade and the moderating impact of institutional quality on the trade-gender link have been understudied in contemporary literature. Therefore, this paper aims to use the augmented gravity model to investigate the impacts of gender equality and institutional quality on trade, and the moderating impact of institutional quality on the trade-gender link.; Design/methodology/approach: The panel data is comprised of bilateral trade flows of Vietnam and 40 major trading partners in the 2002–2021 period. Estimation methods include combined fixed effect, random effect, system generalized method of moments two-step (SGMM-II) and Poisson-pseudo maximum likelihood (PPML) which allow the treatment of heterogeneity, endogeneity and heteroskedasticity in the research models.; Findings: The exporting country’s gender equality has an inconclusive impact on trade in SGMM-II and PPML estimations. However, female labor force participation in the exporting country increases trade. Importing country’s gender equality and female labor force participation increase trade. The direct impact of institutional quality on trade is inconclusive, which is dependent on estimation methods. Most noticeably, the institutional quality of exporting and importing countries facilitates the hampering effects of gender equality and female labor force participation on trade.; Research limitations/implications: Future research should apply the framework of this paper to sectoral trade, which allows more sector-specific policy implications to be delivered. Moreover, gender development, gender inequality and institutional quality should be included in the SGMM estimations as endogenous variables for robustness checking purposes in future research.; Practical implications: The paper has justified the integration of gender-specific issues in trade policies, which aligns trade with sustainable development agenda. The explored moderating impact of institutional quality of the exporting country has implied the trade-off relationship between gender equality and export growth in the effort to improve institutional quality. Reversely, in the case of importing countries with higher institutional quality, improved gender equality may mitigate the trade deficit by hampering import growth.; Originality/value: Investigating the impact of gender equality on trade is the prominent contribution of this paper. Gender equality is considered by three component indicators which include gender development, gender inequality and female labor force participation. New measurement approach to the institutional quality level is also introduced. Furthermore, the explored moderating impacts of institutional quality on the trade-gender link are novel in the literature on sustainable development.en
dc.relation.ispartofInternational Journal Of Development Issues-
dc.subjectGender Economicsen
dc.subjectInternational Trade and Developmenten
dc.subjectInstitutional Economicsen
dc.subjectSustainable Development and Tradeen
dc.subjectLabor Economics and Gender Equalityen
dc.subjectEconometric Methods in Trade Analysisen
dc.subjectGravity Model Applications in Tradeen
dc.subjectTrade Policy and Gender Integrationen
dc.subjectGlobalization and Gender Inequalityen
dc.subjectVietnam’s Trade and Economic Policiesen
dc.titleTrade, gender equality and institutional quality: Evidence from the gravitational approachen
dc.typeJournal Articleen
item.fulltextOnly abstracts-
item.openairetypeJournal Article-
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